Bad ends and game overs
Note: This article was written on 2025-01-05, as a summary of the events happening on Discord back during this development log
Now that the event system is almost completely implemented, I could start working on some events to actually put it through its paces! And, for starting, I decided to work on bad ends.
First, like the chair "bad end event" that I used to build the system, I made another prototype gameover scene on November 12th for the cage bindings, and also implemented a couple new animation transitions for that pose.
I then implemented a new, bigger game over scene on November 25th, this one more explicit and about chest growth! To give the full idea, I implemented a quick prototype for the UI (not the final version at all! Just an idea of what it could look like), status effects in the UI, and this required implementing a lot of the movement / looking around event nodes that I didn't have so far.
Then, on November 27h, I started working on the outdoors area and adding a large bandit camp.
I took a short detour on NOvember 28th to add a "gemstone hand vibe", to be used with the chair animation. This seemed like it would fit the theme of the game so far.
Then, on November 29th, I implemented the second bigger game over scene in the form of a leashed walk bad end. It's a long scene (three minutes!) and does get the point across, even if I'd like to tweak a few things here and there.
The two "bigger" bad ends are currently very much prototypes, with a lot of hardcoded things to make them work. But they at least show that the system is sound, and give a good idea of where to go from there!