Some engine work
Note: This article was written on 2025-01-04, as a summary of the events happening on Discord back during this development log
After a week of break, I'm coming back to working on the engine of the game!
First, I tweaked the navmesh to react to doors, and also started implementing a first draft of the pathfinding algorithm, as well as a demo map to make the path "appear" on July 9th.
The pathfinding algorithm is... Not very good ; for starters, it isn't the A* search algorithm but something I cooked up on the fly, and then, it unfortunately breaks by "suddenly jumping" every once in a while. That latter issue might be caused by the navmesh being improperly generated too, which is kind of the issue with the whole pathfinding system right now: it's unclear to me what part is causing what issue.
After some more core engine work, I also implemented an options screen to allow remapping keys. The capability had been here for a while, but it wasn't available in the options screen
I've also done a bunch of other engine work (mainly reworking the character component), added some additional debug options, and fixed a few bugs, but it's not really showcasable here. Still, progress!